Friday 22 August 2014

BMA 243- Clock research

here are some of the images that i have looked at fr inspiration for my clock. inspired by the rescuers and duck tales and cartoons i watched as a kid, the idea behind the clock was to make a clock that would appeal to adults and children.

cogsworth from Beauty and the beast is an iconic clock cartoon character. retrieved from

eeyore a beloved character from winnie the pooh retrieved from

homer Simpson character clock retrieved from

images from the rescuers retrieved from
these are the inspiration to using a mouse as my imagery.

Watch The Rescuers 6 Bottle with message
Watch The Rescuers 2 we must investigate
Watch The Rescuers 3 I'm as fit as a fiddle 
BernardMiss Bianca

some image i found from the biker mice from mars.

Retrieved from

Modo, Throttle, Vinnie

Retrieved from

Retrieved from

here are some images from pinky and the brain.

retrieved from

retrieved from

retrieved from

all of the above images and cartoons have at some time been an interest to me and so i decided to use them as the inspiration for my clock.

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