Sunday 24 August 2014

BMA 242 - Cover Concepts

here are some of the cover concepts that i have done for the calendar these three are specifically for the front cover.

this on is based on the idea of photos droped and left where the fell, with the sheep on the top because in 2015 it will be the year of the sheep.

this on was done with the idea of a lotus flower in mind with the yin yang symbol being its heart it has all 12 of the zodiacs names in chinese script with the horse on yang and the sheep on yin. to symbolise the passing of the year of the horse to the year of the sheep. the horse is also a yang zodiac where the sheep is a yin zodiac.

this on was ment to symbolise the meeting of and passing on of the new year from the horse to the sheep.

Back Cover

i wanted to keep the back cover nice and simple.

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