Sunday 24 August 2014

Bma 242 - Reference images

these are the reference images used on the zodiac animals.

images retrieved from the following sites
Zodiac Symbols
Dragon Reference
Snake Reference 1
Snake reference 2
Horse reference
sheep reference
Rooster Reference
Pig and ox reference
tiger reference
Dog reference
Rabbit reference
Rat reference
Monkey reference

BMA 242 - Cover Concepts

here are some of the cover concepts that i have done for the calendar these three are specifically for the front cover.

this on is based on the idea of photos droped and left where the fell, with the sheep on the top because in 2015 it will be the year of the sheep.

this on was done with the idea of a lotus flower in mind with the yin yang symbol being its heart it has all 12 of the zodiacs names in chinese script with the horse on yang and the sheep on yin. to symbolise the passing of the year of the horse to the year of the sheep. the horse is also a yang zodiac where the sheep is a yin zodiac.

this on was ment to symbolise the meeting of and passing on of the new year from the horse to the sheep.

Back Cover

i wanted to keep the back cover nice and simple.

BMA 242 zodiac images

these are the images that were used in my calendar all of them are painted using a reference image

i am not too happy with this image the dragon didn't quite turn out how i wanted it to. though this was attempt number 6 to do a dragon.

i am really happy with how the horse turned out 

the face of the monkey turned out really well i feel

the red and the purple look really good for the ox

the pig looks a bit funny though i still think that it works in a way

the rabbit is probably one of the more successful of the images

the rat is a bit strange and i dont like the feet but i was running out of time.

 over all i think the images were successful in the own rights.

Friday 22 August 2014

BMA 243 - creating a cyborg

found some really cool tutorials on the following websites

these are some of the cyborg images that i found really interesting 

Cyborg Mp25

this is the image that David showed us a video on during class it is a very interesting image and looks very good as a cyborg.

retrieved from

this is a really cool image it is very sci fi 

retrieved from

this image is very cool and has the really clinical/prototype feel to it. i really like this image.

retrieved from

the previous images are more realistic photoshop images though i have got alot of inspiration from games and anime so the following images are from these genres.

this is the nanosuit from the game crysis i really like this and is giving me the idea of a cyber soldier.

retrieved from

i absolutely love this image i has that very dark element of a cyborg.

retrieved from

Mechanical Parts - male, armor, android, feather wings, wings, elbow gloves, anime male, wires, parts, hot, cool, sherytan, mechanical parts, gloves, bodysuit, original, cyber, androgynous, mecha man

this is very cool love the dark angel vibe.

retrieved from

this gives me some ideas on how to form the cyborg.

retrieved from

this is a very cool design and the very brutal cyborg arm looks very savage.

retrieved from

Bma 242 - printing issues

when printing my calendar at McDowell's print, i had issues with printing my pdf because the calendar template that we were given was in american sizings and because i was told by my tutor to use the template and not adjust it, i didnt even think to check the sizes, because of this the calendar turned out to be smaller than i had expected though i didnt have much choice, as it was all the people at McDowell's could to keep it undistorted.

Bma 242 - calendar research

these are a few of the calendars that i looked at to find inspiration for my calendar.

Retrieved from

i quite like this calendar how it is a few different images though it is quite plain and i don't think this is a style i would like to look into.

the following are a few cool designs that i found on

creative calendar design bubble wrap image
i quite like this and i think it is a cool spin on the traditional calendar. i think this calendar would appeal to children and adults alike.

creative calendar design scratchers image
this is another cool design and would be real interesting if it had inspirational quotes or an image underneath to reveal each day

here are some of the calendars that i found on

this calendar is quite cool and i like how it is interactive, though would require monthly set up

i really love the illustrations on this calendar though it has a pretty standard single page layout.

Spiral calendar 2010

this calendar is pretty awesome with every day being on the on sheet it is a very interesting concept with the spirals.

Calendar 2011
this calendar makes me laugh with each of the months being illustrated by a silly holiday in that month, it is a cool concept and brings attention to those funny little holidays that are often unknown.

OH MY GOD: it is a calendar

this on cracks me up, suppose its better safe then sorry. this calendar is amazing and i feel that it would probably sell really well as a novelty gift.

these are all awesome calendars though the exercise has a set template to work from so i will work around the template for my design.