Monday 14 July 2014

BMA 242 (Time Line Project)


Timeline Project.

Timeline Information:

618 to 906: T’ang Dynasty used carved wooden blocks and ink make multiple transfers to paper.
868: the Diamond Sutra is printed the earliest dated printed book.
1045: Pi Sheng invents movable type, allowing for characters to be individually placed for printing.
1241: Koreans printed books using moveable type.
1300: China’s first use of wooden type.­
1392: Korea opens foundries that can make bronze type.
1423: Block printing used in Europe to print books
1450: Johann Gensfleisch zum Gutenburg credited with perfecting the system for printing type in books.
1452: Metal plates first used in Europe. Gutenberg Starts printing the Bible.
1456: Gutenberg Finishes printing the Bible.
1457: Fust and Schoeffer make the first colour print.
1460: Albrecht Pfister the first to add illustrations to a printed book.
1465: Germans invent Drypoint engravings.
1470: Nicolas Jenson, considered one of history’s greatest typeface designers, sets news standard for Roman type.
1476: William Caxton begins using a Gutenberg printing press in England
1477: Intaglio is first used for book illustration for a Flemish book called Il Monte Sancto di Dio.
1501: Italic type first used.
1530: Claude Garamond opens first type foundry, developing and selling fonts to printers.
1611: King James Bible published.
1702: Multi-colored engraving invented by German Jakob Le Blon. The first English language daily newspaper is published called the Daily Courant.
1800: Iron printing presses invented.
1819: Rotary printing press invented by Napier.
1829: Embossed printing invented by Louis Braille.
1841: Type-composing machine invented.
1846: Cylinder press invented by Richard Hoe. Cylinder press can print 8,000 sheets an hour.
1863: Rotary web-fed letterpress invented by William Bullock.
1865: Web offset press can print on both sides of paper at once.
1886: Linotype composing machine invented by Ottmar Mergenthaler.
1870: Paper is now mass-manufactured from wood pulp.
1878: Photogravure printing invented by Karl Klic.
1891: Printing presses can now print and fold 90,000 4-page papers an hour. Diazotype invented (print photographs on fabric).
1892: 4-color rotary press invented.
1904: Offset lithography becomes common. The first comic book is published.
1907: Commercial silk screening invented.
1947: Phototypesetting made practical
1645: Post-och Inrikes Tidningar is published in Sweden and is still being published today, making it the world's oldest newspaper.
1704: Considered the world’s first journalist, Daniel Defoe publishs the Review.
1722: First Caslon Old Style font developed, later used for the printing of the Declaration of Independence.
1760: Industrial Revolution begins, setting the stage for advances in graphic design production.
1800: Lord Stanhope invents first printing press made of all cast-iron parts, requiring 1/10 the manual labor and doubling the possible paper size.
1816: First sans-serif font makes a subtle entrance as one line of a book.
1879: The benday process improves newspapers. The first whole page newspaper ad placed by an American department store (John Wanamaker) is run.
1880: First halftone photograph (Shantytown) published in a newspaper. Development of halftone screen allows for first photo printed with a full range of tones.
1890: Art Nouveau movement begins and changes design, making its way into all types of commercial design and utilizing all types of arts.
1917: James Montgomery Flagg designs famous “I Want YOU for the U.S. Army” poster. The poster, a self-portrait, was actually an American version of a British poster by Alfred Leete.
1919: The Bauhaus, a German school, is founded, eventually providing the framework for modern design.
1932: Stanley Morison oversees design of Times New Roman font, commissioned by the Times of London.
1933: A war breaks out between the newspaper and radio industries. American newspapers try to force the Associated Press to terminate news service to radio stations. .
1957: Max Miedinger designs Neue Haas Grotesk font, later renamed Helvetica.
1967: Newspapers use digital production processes and began using computers for operations. .
1969: Douglas Engelbart develops first computer mouse, setting the stage for the future tool of graphic design.
1984: Apple releases first Macintosh computer, featuring bitmap graphics.
1990: Photoshop version one released, and physicist Tim Berners-Lee develops the World Wide Web, along with HTML and the concept of website addresses.
2009: This was the worst year in decades as far as advertising revenues for newspapers. However, newspapers are moving into online internet versions

Information sourced from:

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