Tuesday 22 July 2014

BMA 243 (Board Game Research)

Snakes and ladders.

Retrieved from: http://www.foxstone.com.au/snakes_and_ladders.html

this snakes and ladders board is quite small and only has 54 squares including the start and the finish, i do like this as i feel that it is too small however it could be good for quick games.

I am no too keen on the colour scheme or design as it seems to be aimed at young children.

Retrieved from: http://www.fun-free-party-games.com/downloads/Game-Board-Snakes-and-Ladders-Half1.gif

the design is quite interesting though the colours are boring.
much larger with the 100 squares.

Retrieved from: http://www.mintgadgets.com/outdoor-gadgets/the-snake-and-ladders-lawn-game/

this is an interesting spin on the classic snakes and ladders game
the large scale games looks very cool.

Chinese Checkers.

Retrieved from: http://www.fun-free-party-games.com/downloads/Game-Board-Chinese-Checkers-Full.gif

this is a very plain version of Chinese checkers, i was looking at it so that i knew how the board works.


this is an awesome board with quite a cool design.

drinking snakes and ladders

retrieved from: http://www.boysstuff.co.uk/http://www.boysstuff.co.uk/drinkstuff/snakes-and-ladders-drinking-game/

This is a fun game that i have a copy of at home.

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