Tuesday 16 September 2014

Bma 243 - puzzle ideas

the puzzle idea that i want to create is based on the ideas of the 9 Realms in Norse Mythology ,
 the idea of the 9 worlds that Yggdrasil holds.




The 9 realms

Asgard - Home of the gods
Vanaheim - home of the vanir powerful but peaceful fertility deities
Alfheim - The world of the light elves
Svartalfheim- home of the dark elves

Midgard - Earth
Jotunheim - realm of the giants
Nidavellir - a rocky realm home to the dwarves
Helheim (or Hel) - realm of the common dead, people neither truly heroic or evil
Niflheim - frozen wasteland bitter realm of the dishonoured 

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